General TKT resources
TKT (all modules) brochure
An overview of TKT in a handy PDF format.
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TKT Modules 1–3 Handbook and sample papers
Detailed test information with sample papers from the test.
TKT Glossary
This contains all the main terms and concepts used in teaching which are necessary to understand for the successful completion of the TKT modules. The glossary is regularly reviewed and revised to ensure that all modules reflect continuing developments in core areas of teaching. The current glossary was released in March 2011.
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TKT Modules 1–3 Band descriptors
This document outlines what each of the four band scores means in terms of ability for TKT modules 1–3.
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TKT Information for Candidates
A handy guide to the test, with an overview of what is involved and examples of papers.
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Summary regulations for Candidates
All the important information you need to know when taking the test. |