TKT is the Teaching Knowledge Test. TKT tests knowledge about the teaching of English to speakers of other languages, and concentrates on the knowledge needed by all English language teachers. It is an easily accessible test which is prepared and delivered to international standards. Through TKT, teachers find out about the main areas of teaching knowledge needed in the English language teaching classroom.
TKT focuses on:
different ways of teaching |
the ‘language of teaching’ |
how resources can be used |
the key elements of lesson planning |
classroom management methods for different needs |
TKT is suitable for teachers of primary, secondary or adult learners all over the world and can be taken at any stage in a teacher’s career. It is also ideal for people who would like to teach English but have not yet started teaching.
TKT comprises three modules, or sub-tests, which cover different aspects of teaching knowledge. The modules can all be taken together at the same time or separately, in any order and over a period of time. For each module there is an 80-minute test containing 80 questions. Candidates select the best answer for each question and mark this on a computerised answer sheet.
Language and background to language learning and teaching
Describing language and language skills |
Background to language learning |
Background to language teaching |
Planning lessons and use of resources for language teaching
Planning and preparing a lesson or sequence of lessons |
Selection and use of resources and materials |
Managing the teaching and learning process
Teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom |
Classroom management |
Teachers who wish to take TKT may follow a preparation course before taking the test. But this is not compulsory and they can prepare themselves through their own reading and study if they prefer.
TKT test will be administered on 18 December 2008
The time to register for the December TKT test is 27 - 31 October 2008. Candidates should submit a completed application form to British Council office on these days. The test fee for all three modules is GBP 90 (or GBP 30 per module), payable in Georgian Lari to the bank.
By enrolling on the British Council/ETAG TKT preparation course;
By downloading sample TKT tests for your personal practice from here:
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
By downloading and consulting the TKT handbook.
For more information on TKT visit or contact our Exams Manager
Teaching knowledge test (TKT) |
Un tremplin pour votre carrière |
Le Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) est une nouvelle qualification d’enseignement qui met l’accent sur l’essentiel de la connaissance dont tous les professeurs d’anglais en tant que deuxième langue étrangère ont besoin. TKT a été préparé et soumis aux standards internationaux par l’University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL).
Enseignants et toute personne qui aimerait enseigner l’anglais et dont l’anglais n’est pas la langue maternelle.
Vous devez avoir un bon niveau intermédiaire en anglais.
Le TKT fournit aux enseignants les principes de base dans les principaux domaines d’enseignement de l’anglais.
Il se compose de trois modules:
- Langue et éléments de base de l’apprentissage et de l’enseignement de la langue (étè 2007
- Planification de leçons et utilisation de ressources pour l’enseignement de langue ( Mars- Juin 2007)
- Gestion du processus d’enseignement et d’apprentissage. ( Janvier - Mars 2007)
Le cours aborde les différentes méthodologies d’enseignement, la langue d’enseignement, l’utilisation de ressources, la planification des leçons, les méthodes de gestion des classes.
Après avoir complété un TKT, les étudiants pourraient choisir de continuer leurs études en passant le CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching.
Le cours s’adresse à tous les enseignants et aux aspirants enseignants désireux d’acquérir une plus grande confiance en soi et d’approfondir leur connaissance d’enseignement de l’anglais. Il convient plus particulièrement aux personnes intéressées par l’étude pour la qualification CELTA mais qui veulent d’abord un cours préparatoire CELTA.
Au British Council. 36, rue de Tanger. Rabat.
Au the British Council. 87, Boulevard Nador. Polo. Casablanca
What is TKT?
What is TKT?
- A new certificate in teaching English
- Teaching Knowledge Test –
not a test of language proficiency
not a test of classroom performance
- Offered internationally
- Cambridge ESOL quality assurance procedures
Who is TKT for?
- For pre-service teachers and for experienced teachers
- No formal entry requirements
- For teachers of primary, secondary and adult learners
What’s in each module?
Module 1 Language and background to language learning and teaching
Part 1 Describing language
and language skills
- grammar
- lexis
- phonology
- functions
- skills and subskills
Module 1 Language and background to language learning and teaching
Part 2 Background to language learning
- motivation
- exposure to language and focus on form
- the role of error
- differences between L1 and L2 language
- learner characteristics and needs
Module 1 Language and background to language learning and teaching
Part 3 Background to language teaching
- presentation techniques
- introductory activities
- practice activities
- tasks for language and skills development
- assessment types and tasks
Module 2 Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching
Part 1 Planning and preparing a lesson
or sequence of lessons
- identify and select aims
- components of a lesson plan
- plan a lesson
- choose and sequence activities
- choose assessment activities
Module 2 Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching
Part 2 Selection and use of resources
and materials
- reference resources
- selection and use of:
- coursebook materials
- supplementary materials and activities
- teaching aids
Module 3 Managing the teaching and learning process
Part 1 Teachers’ and learners’ language
in the classroom
- functions of teacher language
- functions of learners’ language
- categorise learners’ mistakes
Module 3 Managing the teaching and learning process
Part 2 Classroom management
- teacher roles
- grouping
- correcting
- feedback
knowledge of TKT content areas
- Band 4 extensive
- Band 3 breadth and depth
- Band 2 basic but systematic
- Band 1 limited
Summary of results for 2005
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Questions & comments
- Isn’t the language level rather low for many teachers?
- You can’t reduce teaching to a lot of objective questions.
- Teaching and learning are complex processes. Isn’t this kind of approach just reductive and trivialising?
- It’s all matching tasks, isn’t it?
- Why not Pass/Fail? Like this, everyone passes, don’t they?
The TKT Course
- Starter question and answer
- Key concepts
- Key concepts and the language teaching classroom
- Follow-up activities
- Reflection
- Discovery activities
- TKT practice task
The TKT Course
- 3 modules, each focusing on one module of TKT. Each module is divided into units which cover the contents of the TKT test specifications for that module.
- 3 TKT practice tests, one for each module of TKT
- Exam tips for preparing to take TKT
- Answer keys for TKT practice tasks, follow-up activities and the TKT practice tests
- A list of terms
Internet resources
Cambridge ESOL
- Cambridge ESOL Teacher Portfolio
Internet resources
Cambridge University Press
- sample unit from The TKT Course
- sample practice materials
- notes for trainers
- notes for teachers
- exam tips
Module 1 Language and background to language learning and teaching
Part 1 Describing language
and language skills
- grammar
- lexis
- phonology
- functions
- skills and subskills
Module 1 Language and background to language learning and teaching
Part 2 Background to language learning
- motivation
- exposure to language and focus on form
- the role of error
- differences between L1 and L2 language
- learner characteristics and needs
Module 1 Language and background to language learning and teaching
Part 3 Background to language teaching
- presentation techniques
- introductory activities
- practice activities
- tasks for language and skills development
- assessment types and tasks
Show this screen shot from the Teaching Resource |